How a General Dentist Can Treat Tooth Decay

Cavities are an unpleasant but all-too-common occurrence. Almost everyone knows that visiting the general dentist for a filling is the solution to a cavity. However, there are many untreated cavities, maybe because people do not understand how cavities are treated. Continue reading to learn more about the treatment options for cavities.

Cavity treatment

The first step in cavity treatment is to figure out how far the cavity has developed. A filling can still serve as a solution if it has not affected the pulp. Otherwise, a more involved procedure like root canals will be necessary.

The general dentist will numb the region surrounding the tooth with a local anesthetic to alleviate any pain. Then, using the proper instrument, they will start cavity treatment by removing the decaying enamel. A high-speed rotary drill is most frequently used, but there are alternative options accessible these days, and they may be a viable choice for those who are worried about drills.

The dentist will create a hole in the tooth with a particular shape to retain the filling material. A lining material may be required if the cavity is big enough. This is done to reduce dental discomfort and to keep any leaking at bay. It may also aid in the bonding of the filling material to the tooth. Since tooth-colored composite fillings are used, the dentist will need to etch the inside of the prepared tooth to provide the material a better sticky surface.

The assumption here is that the tooth structure is still mostly intact. If the teeth have lost too much of their structure, the dentist will recommend crowns to reinforce and restructure them instead of fillings.

Different options for cavity fillings

The location of the cavity determines the dentist's treatment approach. Surface cavities, for example, on the tooth's flat exterior, are less difficult to treat and may not even need a filling. Special fluoride treatments may be enough if they have not affected the dentin.

Cavities may form on the roots of the teeth if the gums have receded and exposed them. It is important to act quickly since the root lacks a protective enamel coating, making it a lot easier for decay to invade the pulp.

Pit and fissure cavities are the most common cavities, and they develop on the chewing surfaces of the teeth, where food may get caught, and plaque can build up.

Filling children's teeth

Since baby teeth are not permanent, many parents question whether getting fillings is worth it if they will lose the teeth eventually. Apart from the potential discomfort for the kid, there are many significant reasons to prevent cavities in children. An essential reason is that primary teeth are designed to aid in the correct eruption of permanent teeth; therefore, the child's teeth must survive until they can perform their function.

In conclusion

The best way to deal with cavities is to avoid them altogether. Treating them before they break through the enamel and reach the dentin is the second best option. Ensure you visit the general dentist for regular checkups and cavity treatment.

Request an appointment here: or call Pier 210 Dental Group at (530) 885-5696 for an appointment in our Auburn office.

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